
Common Aesthetic Procedures

Dr. Sudip Parajuli

Common Aesthetic Procedures are mentioned below...




1. Anti-Aging treatment

i. Glycolic acid chemical peels:

Glycolic acid is an effective treatment for correcting the skin damage caused by aging, sun exposure, scarring, pigmentation and acne. Medical grade glycolic peels use a higher concentration of glycolic acid, typically ranging from 30% to 70%, to address various skin condition.
The specific regimen of peel is determined during consultation. Based on your skin type and cosmetic goals, we determine the type of medical grade glycolic peel that is needed. The medical grade glycolic peel solution is applied to your skin and remains on your skin for a certain amount of time. This allows the solution to penetrate your skin. The result is seen in first treatment, but additional treatments may be needed for best results. Typically, patients receive three to six treatments every two to three weeks.
Contrary to wrong belief of harmful effects of chemical peeling, when done by experts under supervision gives skin a better rejuvenated look.
The medical grade glycolic peel process takes about 15-20 minutes. Although the results are usually not permanent, maintained improvement can be accomplished by periodic re-treatments.

ii. Micro needling:

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that triggers collagen production in skin cells by means of a specialized microneedling device. Sometimes referred to as collagen induction therapy, microneedling increases collagen production in the skin, which improves volume, elasticity, and firmness. In some cases, radiofrequency microneedling methods are used that help further smooth out the skin and provide more dramatic results.
Microneedling creates micro-punctures in the skin; causes the body to create more collagen to treat the punctures, resulting in thicker, healthier skin in the treatment area.
Generally, they can be used for variety of problems under supervision and includes: Sun damage, Fine lines and wrinkles, Scars, Stretch marks, Acne and acne scars, Hair loss, Age spots, Enlarged pores, and Rosacea.
After cleansing the skin, a cream is applied to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. The microneedling device is rolled over the skin, which typically takes less than 30 minutes from start to finish.

iii. Platelet rich plasma rejuvenation:

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is found in blood and promotes healing and blood clotting - because of this, it has been used in the medical field for many years to cultivate healing in patients. Due to its healing properties, it can also be used to rejuvenate aging skin or even scalp that is beginning to lose hair.
The first step in PRP rejuvenation is drawing your own blood. We then use a centrifuge to spin out the platelets from the red blood cells. Once we have isolated the platelets, they are then carefully re-injected into the target area where rejuvenation is needed. The platelets then go to work promoting cellular growth and repair, which cosmetically corrects wrinkles and fine lines, as well as skin elasticity and hair growth.
If there is mild hair loss, platelet rich plasma rejuvenation may be the answer. Its remarkable healing properties can even be applied to failing follicles, improving the strength and thickness of the strands. In using PRP for hair regrowth, there is need multiple injections to ensure an effective result. In some cases, local anesthesia needs to be applied to improve comfort during treatment.
Sometimes, PRP is combined with micro needling to get better results.

iv. Injectables

a. Botulinum toxins: Botulinum toxin is purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is a non-surgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines in the forehead, wrinkle lines around the eyes, and furrow lines around the mouth and the chin area.
During treatment, very low doses of botulinum toxins are administered via a few tiny injections directly into the muscles that cause those stubborn lines. The treatment is usually done within minutes, and no recovery time is needed. Within days, you may see an improvement that can last up to 4 months.
Most commonly, Botulinum toxin is used around the eyes (crow�s feet) and on the forehead (frown lines) to reduce dynamic lines and furrows. It can also be used to treat prominent neck bands or cords. It can also be used for treatment of upper lips, marionette lines at the corners of the mouth, and chin rippling. These injections are also highly successful in the treatment of excess sweating of the palms, soles, and armpits.

Is the treatment painful?

Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Most describe the injection sensation as feeling like a bite of a bug. The treatment is performed literally in a matter of minutes. No specific care is needed after the treatment. If you are very sensitive, a numbing medicine can be applied one hour before the procedure to make it absolutely sensation free.

b. Dermal fillers

Juvederm: Juvederm is a gel-based dermal filler that is specially designed to correct the lines and wrinkles around your mouth and nose. Treatment areas include smile lines, vertical lip lines and marionette lines.
Juvederm Voluma: Juvederm Voluma is a cosmetic filler that is specially designed to enhance the contours of your cheeks and chin.
Juvederm Voluma contains hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin that work together to improve the volume of your cheeks, cheekbones and chin. This unique combination of natural ingredients works to address the most common causes of drooping, sagging, lines, wrinkles and flat features.

2. Scar treatment

a. Acne scars:

Acne can lead to permanent disfiguring scars which severely impairs quality of life.
There different types and grades of scar and the treatment depends on careful examination of these scars. They can treated with micro needling, platelet rich plasma, Trichloroacetic acid (TCA CROSS), and fractional lasers. All the treatment works very well and there is marked improvement after the treatment. The treatment may require multiple sessions spaced about one month apart. Sometimes, different modalities are combined to achieve better results.

b. Scar reduction:

Skin is a protective covering that is built from collagen fibers that are configured in a very structured manner. When there is injury to the skin, new collagen fibers cover the injury in a very chaotic pattern, and the result is a new scar. While some scars form with a minimal appearance, others can be unsightly, prompting patients to seek scar treatment.
We always turn a bad scar into a good scar. An ugly looking scar becomes acceptable to the patient once the treatment is done.
A varieties of treatment modalities are available to make bad scar a good scar. Sometimes we remove the scar followed by fractional Co2 laser to make it more acceptable to the patient. The treatment is carefully planned after discussion with patient. Usually, multiple treatment session are required at an interval of 4-weeks for fractional Co2 laser.

3. Lasers

a. Fractional Co2 laser resurfacing:

Fractional laser resurfacing uses advanced laser technology to stimulate body's collagen production. When collagen production increases, body works to reverse the effects of aging and sun damage from within.

b. Intense pulsed light treatment:

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), also known as a photofacial or photorejuvenation, gives younger, healthier skin by stimulating new collagen growth. Collagen is a naturally-occurring substance that gives skin volume and elasticity. By stimulating collagen growth, IPL effectively treats fine lines and wrinkle.
IPL can be used effectively to treat Freckles, Visible blood vessels, Dark spots, Irregular pigmentation, and Redness. IPL Photorejuvenation addresses all of these cosmetic concerns, leaving you looking and feeling younger and more beautiful.

c. Laser hair removal:

If you are tired of plucking, waxing, or shaving, laser hair removal may be the perfect option to remove the hassle from your life. Over the years, this treatment has become more and more advanced, and we are now able to remove hair virtually forever. For patients, this means serenity and security, able to flaunt confidence with much less effort.
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for the most common areas of the body, including the face, back, legs and arms. Laser hair removal is even gentle enough for the most delicate areas, including the underarms and bikini line.
There is marked reduction in hair density after each session. These sessions are usually spaced one month apart or a touch-up sessions can be performed when the hair starts re-growing.

d. Laser tattoo removal:

Laser therapy is one of the most exciting treatments for removing unwanted tattoos. Lasers work by emitting a specialized light that is passed through the skin and preferentially absorbed by its target, be it an unwanted hair, vein, or in this case, the unwanted pigment from tattoo ink in the skin. The laser causes the pigments to break up and disappear, leaving you with smooth, clear skin.
There are variety of lasers for tattoo pigment removal. In general, older Q-switched lasers are better at treating newer black tattoos. Picosecond systems are better at treating older tattoos and some colors such as yellow that do not respond to Q-switched lasers. Q-Switched Nd YAG laser can remove blue, black and red colored tattoo pigment.
The treatment is usually spaced one month apart. The number of treatment session varies from 3 to as May 13 sessions. Sometimes, the complete clearance of tattoo pigment might not be achieved.



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